Change from within

Nutrition Consultation


One-to-one nutrition consultations are available to children, teens, adults, and families who need any type of support or guidance with eating habits, dietary preferences, or nutrition-related health conditions. Nutrition consultations take place virtually.

During the nutrition consultation, our Registered Dietitian, Sophia, will collect background information regarding typical eating habits, favorite/least favorite foods, and any other essential health information. Together, you and Sophia will create a nutrition and lifestyle plan, which will be designed to help you achieve the desired goals. This may include things like meal plans, grocery lists, supplement recommendations, exercise schedules or other activities. We’ll also send you notes from the session and any other necessary materials to help you reach your goals. After the initial consultation, further sessions can be customized in length and frequency.

Nutrition consultations might be helpful to individuals or caregivers who:

  • Are looking to add more nutrient-dense foods into their diet

  • Are looking to expand their meal variety and enjoy foods they love both at home and in social settings

  • Are looking to build a sustainable routine around cooking, eating, and exercise

  • Are looking to improve their relationship with food

  • Are looking for guidance on eating for a certain health condition

  • Are navigating a new food allergy, food intolerance, food aversion or nutrition-related diagnosis

One-on-one virtual nutrition consultation services cost $125 per hour. 

To get started with nutrition consultation services fill out the intake form below. You can also contact us at with any questions.