Snack and Chat — CULIKID
Change from within

Snack and Chat


Snack and Chat is a bi-weekly food tasting program for teens, ages 14-18 years old. Each week participants explore a new meal at food hall or market and eat with one another. This meet-up is intended to encourage food exploration amongst teens who enjoy food!

Snack and Chat starts with visiting a vendor at a food hall or market (details below) where participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the vendor’s cuisine type and the specific dish that has been prepared for them. Participants then sit in the seating area together to try the meal.

This meet-up is for teenagers who:

  • Enjoy eating and trying new foods 

  • Have a desire to make friends

  • May struggle with meeting new people

  • Might have difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations 

*Please note that meals are planned ahead of time based on the group’s food interests, allergies, and dietary restrictions. 

The next Snack & Chat session is pending scheduling, which will be decided on staff and participant availability. If you’re interested in this program, submit an interest form to let us know what schedule and location works best for you.

Located at:
Essex Market & The Market Line (88 Essex St, New York, NY)
Dekalb Market (445 Albee Square W, Brooklyn, NY)

Registration costs $60 per week*.

*Registration for the full semester is required. Program fee includes all meal costs. Unfortunately, there are no needs-based scholarships available for this program.